We understand that these uncertain times can cause emotional distress and anxiety. Feeling anxious, confused, overwhelmed or powerless is common during such trying times, especially in the face of a virus with which the general public may be unfamiliar and with the general economic uncertainty many are feeling right now. These feelings of distress and anxiety can occur even if you are not at high risk of getting sick. People that are feeling emotional distress related to COVID-19 can take actions to help support themselves and others. • Set a limit on media consumption, including social media, local or national news. • Stay active. Make sure to get enough sleep and rest. Stay hydrated and avoid excessive amounts of caffeine or alcohol. Eat healthy foods when possible. • Connect with loved ones and others who may be experiencing stress about the outbreak. Talk about your feelings and enjoy conversation unrelated to the outbreak. • Get accurate health information from reputable sources. For health information about COVID-19, please contact the Centers for Disease Control at, your county health department or your local healthcare provider. • If you're experiencing emotional distress related to COVID-19, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) or your local crisis line. • For coping tools and resources, visit the Lifeline website at or Vibrant Emotional Health's Safe Space at • New York State is also offering mental health support by calling 1-844-863-9314.