The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated its guidance on self-isolation for people who test positive for COVID-19. According to the new guidelines, people who are symptomatic who tested positive for COVID-19 should isolate at home for 10 days after symptoms begin and for 24 hours after their fever has broken. Please click on the new guidelines link above for additional details. Here are a few definitions to help you to differentiate between Casual v. Household v. Close Contact: • Casual contacts are defined as being in the same indoor environment (e.g., classroom, office, or gathering) with a symptomatic confirmed COVID-19 case. • Household contacts are individuals who live in the same house as the confirmed COVID-19 case. • Close contacts are individuals who were within 6 feet of a confirmed COVID-19 case for a prolonged period (about 10 minutes or more) or had direct contact with the infectious secretion of a COVID-19 case (e.g., were coughed on). Walking past a confirmed COVID-19 case or just being in the same building does NOT qualify as being a close contact.