Guidance for reopening and continuing operations has been released by Empire State Development. The guidelines can be found here: All businesses have to read and affirm the guidelines. We believe that the safety guidance includes many of the best practices that our members have already implemented -- including distancing, face coverings and extra sanitizing. Also note the mandatory pre-screening before work each day and documented review of that paperwork. Take care to review for your specific operations. These guidelines apply to all construction businesses in regions of New York that have been permitted to re-open, as well as to construction businesses statewide that were previously permitted to operate as essential. Each re-opening business must develop a written Safety Plan outlining how its workplace will prevent the spread of COVID-19. A business may fill out the template provided by the state to fulfill the requirement, or may develop its own Safety Plan. This plan does not need to be submitted to a state agency for approval but must be retained at each of your jobsites and must made available to the New York State Department of Health (DOH) or local health or safety authorities in the event of an inspection. Please expect local officials in just about every jurisdiction allowed to open under phase one to VISIT CONSTRUCTION LOCATION(S) AND DEMAND TO REVIEW A COPY OF YOUR SAFETY PLAN COMPLETED IN FULL. Key Points: • Local jurisdictions retain the power to enforce these enhanced, more specified requirements and guidelines. Any region that falls below the 7/7 metric will be required to suspend all phase one activities. No region will want to fall below the 7/7 metric. Every region that reaches 7/7 is going to double-, triple-, and quadruple-down on ensuring that ANY business allowed to reopen follows EVERY guideline to the letter (and exponentially so). Those businesses that have been allowed to date to remain open as 'essential' should be aware that they, too, will be under enhanced scrutiny. • Officials in those regions allowed to reopen are going to be exceptionally vigilant and very likely will take a dim view of any business reopening too enthusiastically. We will continue to keep you updated as information becomes available. As always, we are also available to answer any questions you may have. Contact the office at 518-869-0961 or