Governor Cuomo updated the metrics and guidance for his COVID Cluster Action Initiative last weekend. Now, if a region reaches Red Zone status, only "essential" businesses may operate. Per the new guidance: 9. Construction • Construction projects may continue, but any work that can be done remotely such as office-based work must proceed remotely, to the extent practicable. Employees/personnel who are not directly involved in in-person work at the business location/construction site are prohibited." This impact on our industry is only if the region you are operating in moves to Red Zone status. Per the newest metrics, a zone becomes "red" "when a region, after the cancellation of elective procedures and a 50 percent increase in hospital capacity, is 21 days away from reaching 90 percent hospital capacity on the current 7-day growth rate." Click here to read more about the new metrics and guidance. The full guidance regarding "essential businesses" can be found here. As the guidance continues to change through the pandemic, ECA will continue to keep you updated on the state's COVID actions and how they impact our industry. Call the office (518-869-0961) if you have questions.