Christmas falls on a Sunday this year and is a legal holiday under the terms of ECA's negotiated Collective Bargaining Agreements. Any work performed on this day will need to be paid at the overtime rate. Please refer to the labor agreements for the appropriate overtime rate. Please note that for the Carpenters Agreement, the Bricklayers Local 2 Building Agreement, Operating Engineers Local 158, District 106 Agreement, the Teamsters Local 294 Agreement, Roofers Local 241 Agreement, and the Painters and Glaziers DC#9 Agreements, the Sunday holiday is celebrated on Monday and the overtime rate applies if Carpenters, Bricklayers, Operators, Roofers, Teamsters, Painters or Glaziers actually work on that Monday. In the Laborers Local 157 & 190 Agreement as well as the Bricklayers Local 2 TILE and Laborers Local 1822 Agreements, the Sunday holiday is celebrated on Sunday, and therefore overtime is only required if you work Sunday and is not required for Monday work. Note, that under Heavy Highway Agreements (which ECA does not negotiate), holidays may be treated differently. Make sure to consult those CBAs for their holiday rules. Please contact Todd Helfrich (518-869-0961) if you have any questions.